We are in some interesting times, but do you know that while some see the threats there are countless others that have set sight on the opportunities. If such wasn’t the case, the new technologies and systems that have been rolling out practically every mega second would not occur.
This is not the time to give up…nope. This is pursuit time…opportunity time... go for it time.
There is an abundance of evidence confirming that organizations characterized by and attending to the ongoing review and development of comprehensive functional structures, are more likely to prosper and retain resilience during economic and other business shocks. As well, they are better positioned to take advantage of growth and market opportunities and translate such into organizational value.
Importantly as well, it should be noted that the positioning of an organization for excellence and sustained success, is primarily embedded in its ability to effectively configure its strategic and functional framework to allow for maximization of stakeholder (internal and external) relations that result in long term tangible value.
I encourage you, see far…plan deep...act now!